A woman was on the beach with her friends when police received a complaint about their swimsuits. The woman demanded to know what law had been broken as they handcuffed her and led her to their patrol car. Do you see anything wrong with the swimsuit?

Sam Panda

A woman was on the beach with her friends when police received a complaint about their swimsuits. The woman demanded to know what law had been broken as they handcuffed her and led her to their patrol car. Do you see anything wrong with the swimsuit?

Sam Panda
Sam Panda was put in handcuffs on a beach in South Carolina. (Credit: Screenshot)

Sam Panda, a professional aerialist, was in South Carolina enjoying the sun and sand when cops arrived and arrested her. According to Sam, they did this because another woman didn’t like the way she looked in her swimsuit. A shocking video of the incident shows two police officers handcuffing Sam at Myrtle Beach after a caller reported her swimsuit to the authorities.

“A woman called the cops on me because of my bikini,” she wrote on Facebook when she shared a video of the incident. “That’s how this all started. Some Karen decided that my body was offensive to her and showed her child that her body could one day lead to her arrest.”

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